martes marzo 19, 2019
Abiertas las inscripciones para el III Boat Show Investment Forum[:ca]Obertes les inscripcions per al III Boat Show Investment Forum[:en]Registration is now open for the third edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum[:de]Registration is now open for the third edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum
El Palma International Boat Show acoge de nuevo la tercera edición del Boat Show Investment Forum. Se trata de un foro de inversión destinado a emprendedores o proyectos start-up (con menos de dos años) y empresas en fase de crecimiento (con más de dos años) relacionados con el sector náutico que busquen inversión de capital privado.
El III Boat Show Investment Forum, organizado por el IDI junto con Keiretsu Forum, tendrá lugar el lunes, 29 de abril de 2019, a las 16.00h en las instalaciones de Astilleros de Mallorca (Contramuelle-Mollet, 11, Palma), y ya se ha abierto el periodo de inscripciones para todas aquellas empresas que quieran presentar su proyecto en esta nueva edición.
Los interesados pueden formalizar su participación a través de la web de Keiretsu Forum Concretamente, se buscan emprendedores o empresas cuyos proyectos tengan relación con la náutica en un sentido amplio: TIC, App, energía, gestión portuaria, infraestructuras, materiales, motores, tejidos inteligentes, velas, etc, así como empresas que ya estén en fase de comercialización o que busquen una inversión de capital privado entre 50.000 y 500.000 euros.
El año pasado, el fórum contó con la participación de siete proyectos relacionados con el sector náutico: dos plataformas online de alquiler de embarcaciones, un proyecto de digitalización, uno que relaciona el sector agroalimentario aplicado a la náutica y tres empresas industriales con una fuerte base de I+D+I. Además, alrededor de 90 inversores privados asistieron al fórum para conocer los proyectos.[:ca]El Palma International Boat Show acull un altre cop la tercera edició del Boat Show Investment Forum. Es tracta d’un fòrum d’inversió destinat a emprenedors i projectes startup (amb menys de dos anys) i empreses en fase de creixement (amb més de dos anys) relacionades amb el sector nàutic que cerquen inversió de capital privat.
El III Boat Show Investment Forum, organitazat per l’IDI juntament amb Keiretsu Forum, tendrà lloc dilluns, 29 d’abril de 2019, a les 16.00h a les instal·lacions d’Astilleros de Mallorca (Contramuelle-Mollet, 11, Palma), i ja s’ha obert el període d’inscripció per a totes aquelles empreses que vulguin presentar el seu projecte a aquesta nova edició.
Els interessats poden formalitzar la seva participació a través de la web de Keiretsu Forum Concretament, se cerquen emprenedors o empreses, els projectes de les quals tenguin relació amb la nàutica en un sentit ampli: TIC, App, energia, gestió portuària, infraestructures, materials, motors, teixits intel·ligents, veles, etc, així com empreses que ja estiguin en fase de comercialització o que cerquin inversió de capital privat entre 50.000 i 500.000 euros.
L’any passat, el fòrum va comptar amb la participació de set projectes relacionats amb el sector nàutic: dues plataformes online de lloguer d’embarcacions, un projecte de digitalització, un que relaciona el sector agroalimentari aplicat a la nàutica, i tres empreses industrials amb una base forta d’R+D+I. A més, al voltant de 90 inversors privats varen assistir al fòrum per conèixer els projectes.[:en]Palma International Boat Show will host the third edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum. The forum is aimed at entrepreneurs or start-ups (which have been running for less than two years) and companies in growth stages (which have been running for over two years) related to the nautical sector and seeking private investment.
The III Boat Show Investment Forum, organised by IDI in collaboration with Keiretsu Forum, will take place on Monday the 29th of April 2019 at 4pm at the Astilleros de Mallorca Shipyard (Contramuelle-Mollet, 11, Palma), and registration is now open for any companies wanting to present their project at this year’s edition.
Any individuals or companies interested can sign up via the Keiretsu Forum website The forum aims to attract entrepreneurs or companies whose projects are related to the world of yachting, and is interested in hearing about all manner of related projects; from TIC’s, App’s, energy, port management, infrastructure, materials, engines, intelligent textiles, sails, etc; as well as from companies which are already in the commercial stages of their business or who are looking for a private investment of between 50,000 and 500,000 Euros.
Last year, seven projects related to the nautical sector took part in the forum: two online boat-rental platforms, a digitalisation project, one related to the processed foods sector applied to yachting and three industrial companies with strong RDI bases. The forum was also attended by around 90 private investors who were interested in hearing about the projects being presented.
[:de]Palma International Boat Show will host the third edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum. The forum is aimed at entrepreneurs or start-ups (which have been running for less than two years) and companies in growth stages (which have been running for over two years) related to the nautical sector and seeking private investment.
The III Boat Show Investment Forum, organised by IDI in collaboration with Keiretsu Forum, will take place on Monday the 29th of April 2019 at 4pm at the Astilleros de Mallorca Shipyard (Contramuelle-Mollet, 11, Palma), and registration is now open for any companies wanting to present their project at this year’s edition.
Any individuals or companies interested can sign up via the Keiretsu Forum website The forum aims to attract entrepreneurs or companies whose projects are related to the world of yachting, and is interested in hearing about all manner of related projects; from TIC’s, App’s, energy, port management, infrastructure, materials, engines, intelligent textiles, sails, etc; as well as from companies which are already in the commercial stages of their business or who are looking for a private investment of between 50,000 and 500,000 Euros.
Last year, seven projects related to the nautical sector took part in the forum: two online boat-rental platforms, a digitalisation project, one related to the processed foods sector applied to yachting and three industrial companies with strong RDI bases. The forum was also attended by around 90 private investors who were interested in hearing about the projects being presented.