Aplazada la edición del Palma International Boat Show al 2021[:ca]Ajornen l’edició del Palma International Boat Show al 2021[:en]The 2020 Palma International Boat Show has been postponed[:de]The 2020 Palma International Boat Show has been postponed

La organización del Palma International BoatShow ha decidido aplazar la edición de 2020 de la feria náutica de Palma, prevista entre los días 4 y 7 de junio en el Moll Vell de Palma. Finalmente, por responsabilidad ante la situación provocada por la COVID-19 y el estado de alarma, la organización ha considerado que la feria no se podía llevar a cabo con unas condiciones de seguridad óptimas tanto para los expositores como para los visitantes. Además, también se ha tomado la decisión por responsabilidad con el sector náutico y las empresas que cada año participan a la feria. El Palma International Boat Show está organizado por el IDI, ente dependiente de la Conselleria de Transición Energética y Sectores Productivos, y BYBA.

Una vez finalizada la emergencia sanitaria, tanto la conselleria como el IDI iniciarán los contactos con las empresas náuticas para definir acciones de reactivación sectorial. Se tiene que recordar que el náutico es uno de los sectores clave para la reactivación económica de las Islas Baleares y que centrará muchas de las actuaciones de la conselleria.

Por parte de la IDI, se ha decidido devolver el dinero que ya habían abonado los expositores en concepto de reserva de espacio puesto que esto supondrá incrementar la liquidez de estas empresas.

A partir de ahora, tanto el IDI como BYBA empezarán a trabajar en la próxima edición de la feria en 2021, que tendrá lugar en las fechas tradicionales, en el puente de mayo. El objetivo es continuar posicionando la cita de Palma como la feria más importante del inicio de la apertura de la temporada náutica.[:ca]L’organització del Palma International Boat Show ha decidit ajornar l’edició de 2020 de la fira nàutica de Palma, prevista entre els dies 4 i 7 de juny al Moll Vell de Palma. Finalment, per responsabilitat davant de la situació provocada per la COVID-19 i l’estat d’alarma, l’organització ha considerat que la fira no es podia dur a terme amb unes condicions de seguretat òptimes tant per als expositors com per als visitants. A més, també s’ha pres la decisió per responsabilitat amb el sector nàutic i les empreses que cada any participen a la fira. El Palma International Boat Show està organitzat per l’IDI, ens depenent de la Conselleria de Transició Energètica i Sectors Productius, i BYBA.

Un cop finalitzada l’emergència sanitària, tant la conselleria com l’IDI iniciaran els contactes amb les empreses nàutiques per definir accions de reactivació sectorial. S’ha de recordar que el nàutic és un dels sectors clau per a la reactivació econòmica de les Illes Balears i que centrarà moltes de les actuacions de la conselleria.

Per part de l’IDI, s’ha decidit retornar els doblers que ja havien abonat els expositors en concepte de reserva d’espai ja que això suposarà incrementar la liquiditat d’aquestes empreses.

A partir d’ara, l’IDI i BYBA començaran a treballar en la propera edició de la fira a l’any 2021, que tendrà lloc a les dates tradicionals, al pont del primer de maig. L’objectiu és continuar posicionant la cita de Palma com la fira més important de l’inici de l’obertura de la temporada nàutica.[:en]The organizers of the 2020 Palma International Boat Show have decided to postpone the event, which was due to take place from 4 to 7 June at the Old Quay (Moll Vell) in Palma. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent state of alarm, and in light of its responsibilities, the organizers have decided that it would not be possible to hold the event while ensuring optimum safety conditions for both exhibitors and visitors. The decision was also taken in light of the organizers’ responsibilities towards the marine industry and the companies that take part in the event each year. The Palma International Boat Show is organized by the Institut d’Innovació Empresarial (IDI, which reports to the Balearic Islands Ministry of Energy Transition and Production Industries) and the Balearic Yacht Brokers’ Association (BYBA).

Once the public health emergency has ended, the Ministry and IDI will start to make contact with marine companies and discuss the actions that need to be taken to reactivate the industry. We should bear in mind that the marine industry will play a key role in the economic reactivation of the Balearic Islands and will be the focus of many of the actions taken by the Ministry.

IDI has decided to return the money that has already been paid by the exhibitors to reserve space at the show, in order to aid the companies’ cash flows.

From this point on, both IDI and BYBA will start working on the next edition of the show, which will take place in 2021 on the usual dates (i.e. around 1 May). The aim is to continue positioning the Palma International Boat Show as the most important of the industry events that take place at the start of the yachting season.[:de]The organizers of the 2020 Palma International Boat Show have decided to postpone the event, which was due to take place from 4 to 7 June at the Old Quay (Moll Vell) in Palma. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent state of alarm, and in light of its responsibilities, the organizers have decided that it would not be possible to hold the event while ensuring optimum safety conditions for both exhibitors and visitors. The decision was also taken in light of the organizers’ responsibilities towards the marine industry and the companies that take part in the event each year. The Palma International Boat Show is organized by the Institut d’Innovació Empresarial (IDI, which reports to the Balearic Islands Ministry of Energy Transition and Production Industries) and the Balearic Yacht Brokers’ Association (BYBA).

Once the public health emergency has ended, the Ministry and IDI will start to make contact with marine companies and discuss the actions that need to be taken to reactivate the industry. We should bear in mind that the marine industry will play a key role in the economic reactivation of the Balearic Islands and will be the focus of many of the actions taken by the Ministry.

IDI has decided to return the money that has already been paid by the exhibitors to reserve space at the show, in order to aid the companies’ cash flows.

From this point on, both IDI and BYBA will start working on the next edition of the show, which will take place in 2021 on the usual dates (i.e. around 1 May). The aim is to continue positioning the Palma International Boat Show as the most important of the industry events that take place at the start of the yachting season.
