jueves abril 26, 2018
El IDI promueve la inversión en las Startups del sector náutico [:ca]L’IDI promou la inversió de les startups del sector nàutic[:en] The IDI promotes investment in startups from the nautical sector [:de] The IDI promotes investment in startups from the nautical sector
Destacados inversores nacionales ya han confirmado su presencia en la segunda edición del Boat Show Investment Forum el próximo día 30 de abril en el marco del Palma International Boat Show, una de las ferias náuticas más importantes de Europa. Consulta la agenda!
El foro de inversión, organizado por el IDI y Keiretsu Forum, facilitará que startups del sector náutico puedan conseguir financiación para iniciar o incrementar su actividad. El año pasado, se presentaron un total de nueve proyectos.
Una de las novedades de esta segunda edición es la organización de la mesa redonda «Métricas clave para la inversión en Startups«, a cargo de inversores de la red de Keiretsu Forum.
El moderador será Joan Albà, Business Angel y confundador de Keiretsu Accelera. Los ponentes serán:
Irene Gonzalez, Fitalent CFO & Financial Manager a Everis Initiatives, inversora.
Julián Gallardo, Promotor de nuevos negocios en Mondragon EKO, de Mondragon Corporación. Juan Basurto, Consejero de empresas e inversor en StartUps.
La Red de inversores Keiretsu Forum, que nació el año 2000 en San Francisco-CA, está presente actualmente en 53 sedes internacionales. Anualmente financia 170 empresas Startup por un importe global de 65 millones de euros.
Hay que destacar que tanto los emprendedores como los inversores inscritos en el Boat Show Investment Forum participarán en una formación previa financiada por la Conselleria de Trabajo, Comercio e Industria, e impartida por Keiretsu Forum.
[:ca]Destacats inversors nacionals ja han confirmat la seva presència a la segona edició del Boat Show Investment Forum el proper dia 30 d’abril en el marc del Palma International Boat Show, una de les fires nàutiques més importants d’Europa. Consulta l’agenda!
El fòrum d’inversió, organitzat per l’IDI i Keiretsu Forum, facilitarà que startups del sector nàutic puguin aconseguir finançament per iniciar o incrementar la seva activitat. L’any passat s’hi varen presentar nou projectes.
Una de les novetats d’aquesta segona edició és l’organització de la taula rodona «Mètriques clau per a la inversió en Startups«, a càrrec d’inversors de la xarxa de Keiretsu Forum.
El moderador serà Joan Albà, Business Angel i confundador de Keiretsu Accelera. Els ponents seran:
Irene Gonzalez, Fitalent CFO & Financial Manager a Everis Initiatives, inversora.
Julián Gallardo, Promotor de nous negocis a Mondragon EKO, de Mondragon Corporación. Juan Basurto, conseller d’empreses i inversor en StartUps.
La xarxa d’inversors de Keiretsu Forum, que va néixer l’any 2000 a San Francisco-CA, està present actualment a 53 seus internacionals. Anualment finança 170 Empresas Startup per un imoport global de 65 milions d’euros.
S’ha de destacar que tant emprenedors i inversors inscrits en el Boat Show Investment Forum participaran a una formació prèvia finançada per la Conselleria de Treball, Comerç i Indústria, i impartida per Keiretsu Forum.
[:en]Major national investors have already confirmed their presence at the second edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum on 30th April within the framework of Palma International Boat Show, one of the most important nautical fairs in Europe.
The investment forum, organised by the IDI and Keiretsu Forum, will help startups from the nautical sector find funding to start or grow their business. Last year, a total of nine projects were presented.
One of the new highlights in this second edition is the organisation of the round table “Key metrics for investment in startups”, led by investors from the Keiretsu Forum network.
The moderator will be Joan Albà, Business Angel and co-Founder of Keiretsu Accelera. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanalbatort/
Participating speakers will be:
Irene Gonzalez, Fitalent CFO & Financial Manager at Everis Initiatives, investor. https://www.linkedin.com/in/irene-gonz%C3%A1lez-l%C3%B3pez-69320120/
Julián Gallardo, New Business Developer at Mondragon EKO, of Mondragon Corporation. https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliangallardo/
Juan Basurto, Company advisor and investor in startups.
The Keiretsu Forum network, that was founded in 2000 in San Francisco-CA, currently has 53 international chapters. It funds 170 startup companies annually for an overall sum of 65 million euros.
It is worth noting that both the entrepreneurs as well as the investors signed up for the Boat Show Investment Forum will participate in a prior training session, financed by the Ministry of Work, Trade and Industry and headed by the Keiretsu Forum.
More information, http://www.boatshowpalma.com/foro-inversion[:de]Major national investors have already confirmed their presence at the second edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum on 30th April within the framework of Palma International Boat Show, one of the most important nautical fairs in Europe.
The investment forum, organised by the IDI and Keiretsu Forum, will help startups from the nautical sector find funding to start or grow their business. Last year, a total of nine projects were presented.
One of the new highlights in this second edition is the organisation of the round table “Key metrics for investment in startups”, led by investors from the Keiretsu Forum network.
The moderator will be Joan Albà, Business Angel and co-Founder of Keiretsu Accelera. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanalbatort/
Participating speakers will be:
Irene Gonzalez, Fitalent CFO & Financial Manager at Everis Initiatives, investor. https://www.linkedin.com/in/irene-gonz%C3%A1lez-l%C3%B3pez-69320120/
Julián Gallardo, New Business Developer at Mondragon EKO, of Mondragon Corporation. https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliangallardo/
Juan Basurto, Company advisor and investor in startups.
The Keiretsu Forum network, that was founded in 2000 in San Francisco-CA, currently has 53 international chapters. It funds 170 startup companies annually for an overall sum of 65 million euros.
It is worth noting that both the entrepreneurs as well as the investors signed up for the Boat Show Investment Forum will participate in a prior training session, financed by the Ministry of Work, Trade and Industry and headed by the Keiretsu Forum.
More information, http://www.boatshowpalma.com/foro-inversion