Step aboard for an exclusive event tailored to yachting enthusiasts, set against the backdrop of the Palma International Boat Show. Hosted by the Palma Superyacht Village, this gathering is designed to unite local businesses, industry titans, seasoned experts, and passionate enthusiasts for insightful discussions on the forefront of the nautical sector.

Where? At the Port Centre/Office Show during the Palma Superyacht Village.




10:00 Welcome coffee

10:30 Repsol Presentation

Repsol solutions for the decarbonization of the marine sector. Raúl García Redondo.

11:00 Innovation corner round table

Conversational with Startups. Gabbi Richardson & guests.

12:00 Network marine

Charter Licensing in Spain and Flagging in Malta. Patricia Bullock.


Unleash the Power of Starlink: Uninterrupted Internet for Your Yacht. Amadou Tidiane Diallo.

13:00 Baltic Yacht Service

Services & Refit. Olimpia Corral, COO Baltic Yacht Service&Refit Mallorca S.L.

13:30 Engineered

Alternative fuel technology and decarbonisation for the Superyacht Industry. Ben Pym, Managing Director.

15:00 Maritrace

Advanced tracking for the Superyacht market. Thomas Owen.

15:30 Blue Duck

Panel Discussion: Mental Healph in the yachting industry. Jessica Evans & guests.

16:00 Balearic Marine Cluster

Presentation of the First Nautical Sector Report of the Balearic Islands. Pedro Suasi.

16:30 Sustainability corner

Ethical Yacht Wear Sustainability Seminar: Impactful change makers, making sustainable waves within the Yachting Industry Lauren Wardley & guests.

17:30 Wine tasting
