Tuesday July 5, 2022
The next edition of the Palma International Boat Show will take place from 27th to 30th April 2023 in Palma’s Moll Vell.
The last fair, organised by the IDI and BYBA, had 276 exhibitors and 32,000 visitors.
The next edition of the Palma International Boat Show will take place from 27th to 30th April 2023 in Palma’s Moll Vell, which means that the event will once again inaugurate the Mediterranean nautical season.
The last edition of the fair represented the recovery after the pandemic. It brought together 276 participating companies, 21% more than the previous year, and 264 boats on display at sea. In addition, the Palma International Boat Show was visited by more than 32,000 people, thus marking a 50% increase over the 2021 boat show. For four days the PIBS was attended by numerous professionals and nautical enthusiasts, who expressed their high opinion of the quality of the products on display and the new products presented.
The Palma International Boat Show makes the Balearic Islands the nerve centre of professional and recreational boating and hosts worldwide presentations of new products in an industry regarded as strategic for the economy of the Balearic Islands. In addition to the offer of new boats, equipment and nautical services, the fair has a large exhibition of yachts measuring over 24 metres in length and an area for boat repair and maintenance companies.
Marketing for the next edition of the fair is scheduled to begin in September. All the information will be available on the websitewww.palmainternationalboatshow.com.
The Palma International Boat Show is organised by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI), an entity that reports to the Vice-Presidency and Regional Ministry of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, and the Balearic Yacht Brokers Association (BYBA).