miércoles mayo 26, 2021
Más de 220 expositores participan en la Palma International Boat Show, la primera feria presencial del sector tras la pandemia
El vicepresidente y consejero de Transición Energética, Sectores Productivos y Memoria Democrática, Juan Pedro Yllanes, ha presentado esta mañana la próxima edición de la feria náutica Palma International Boat Show, la primera del sector presencial que se celebrará tras la pandemia. El evento, que tendrá lugar del 3 al 6 de junio, en el recinto ferial del Moll Vell, está organizado por el Instituto de Innovación Empresarial de las Illes Balears (IDI) y Balearic Yacht Brokers Association (BYBA). El acto de presentación ha contado con la participación del presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Mallorca, Antoni Mercant; el presidente de la Autoridad Portuaria, Francesc Antich; el presidente del Balearic Marine Cluster, Toni Salom; el presidente de la Asociación de Empresas Náuticas de las Illes Balears, Jaume Vaquer; la directora gerente del IDI, Mariona Luis, y el director de la feria, Chema Sans.
El vicepresidente ha querido destacar la importancia de que la feria náutica de Palma sea el primer evento presencial del sector, puesto que «esto hace que Mallorca, y más concretamente Palma, se convierta estos días en el epicentro mundial de la náutica, centrando la atención de todo el sector internacionalmente». Yllanes ha añadido que «el hecho de comenzar la temporada constata que tenemos un sector náutico muy importante y bien posicionado en todo el mundo, y que para nosotros supone un sector estratégico para la industria y la economía de las Illes Balears». Hay que recordar que el sector náutico forma parte del plan de diversificación económica y de la apuesta por un turismo de calidad y de alto valor añadido. Vinculado con un sector industrial que factura más de 560 millones de euros al año, genera más de 5.000 puestos de trabajo directos y cuenta con casi 2.000 empresas.
La Palma International Boat Show contará con 227 expositores directos, repartidos en más 80.000 metros cuadrados. Además, habrá alrededor de 185 embarcaciones expuestas en el mar. En cuanto a la oferta, destaca la presencia de todas las marcas líderes mundiales que han elegido Palma para presentar sus nuevos productos tras meses de pandemia, y que consolida el salón náutico como destino preferente para la náutica de recreo y la industria náutica profesional.
Una de las grandes novedades de este año es la colaboración con Balearic Yacht Show, la feria virtual organizada por la Cámara de Comercio de Mallorca y el Balearic Marine Cluster. Se trata de un evento que nació durante el confinamiento y que se celebra al mismo tiempo que la feria presencial, con el objeto de crear una serie de sinergias para promocionar el sector náutico de nuestras islas de manera global. La Balearic Yacht Show reunirá a más de cincuenta expertos internacionales de la náutica en veinte conferencias para debatir sobre el futuro del sector desde todas sus vertientes: la industrial, la de servicios, la deportiva, la del ocio y también la medioambiental.
El presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Mallorca, Antoni Mercant, ha manifestado que «desde la Cámara de Comercio apostamos fuertemente por la náutica como sector estratégico de nuestro modelo económico y, con un evento híbrido como este, tenemos la oportunidad de promocionarlo, sin limitaciones. Rediseñamos el concepto de la Balearic Yacht Show para convivir con la Palma International Boat Show y poder así ayudar a nuestras empresas a mejorar su visualización y su posicionamiento en línea».
La feria contará con un protocolo que garantizará en todo momento que se cumplan las medidas sanitarias para evitar contagios. Por ejemplo, habrá control en las entradas y salidas, limitación del aforo y recordatorios constantes de mantener la distancia de seguridad y la necesidad de llevar mascarillas. El hecho de que la feria se celebre al aire libre también contribuye a hacerla más segura.
La Palma International Boat Show se puede visitar del 3 al 6 de junio, de 10 a 21 horas, en el Moll Vell de Palma. Las entradas deben comprarse a través de la web www.boatshowpalma.com.
Los medios de comunicación que quieran cubrir la feria del 3 al 6 de junio deberán acreditarse a través de la web de la feria, en el enlace https://palmainternationalboatshow.com/acreditacion-prensa. Esta acreditación les permitirá entrar en la feria durante todos los días.[:en]The Balearic Vice President and Minister for Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, Juan Pedro Yllanes, presented this morning the new edition of the Palma International Boat Show, the first on-site fair of the sector to be held after the pandemic. The event, which will take place from 3rd to 6th of June at the Moll Vell exhibition centre, is organised by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI) and the Balearic Yacht Brokers Association (BYBA). The presentation ceremony was attended by the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, Antoni Mercant, the president of the Port Authority, Francesc Antich, the president of the Balearic Marine Cluster, Toni Salom, the president of the Association of Marine Industries of the Balearic Islands, Jaume Vaquer, the managing director of IDI, Mariona Luis, and the director of the fair, Chema Sans.
The vice president underlined the importance of the Palma Boat Show being the first on-site event of the sector: «This Boat Show converts Majorca, and more specifically Palma, these days into the world epicentre of the yachting industry in the entire world. Yllanes added that «the fact of starting the season with the boat show proves that Majorca is a very important and well positioned hotspot for the yachting industry world wide. But it´s also a proof, that the yachting industry continues to be a strategic sector for the whole economy of the Balearic Islands». Nobody should forget, so Yllanes, that the yachting industry generates a turnover of more than 560 million euros a year and over 5,000 direct jobs in almost 2,000 companies
The Palma International Boat Show will have 227 direct exhibitors, spread over more than 80,000 square metres. In addition, there will be around 185 boats on exposition. The world’s leading yachting brands have chosen Palma to present their new products after months of pandemic, which consolidates the Palma Boat Show as the preferred destination for recreational boating and the professional nautical industry.
One of the big innovations this year is the collaboration with the Balearic Yacht Show, the virtual fair organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca and the Balearic Marine Cluster. This event was born during the corona lockdown last year with the aim of creating a number of synergies to promote the nautical sector of the islands globally. The Balearic Yacht Show will bring together more than fifty international yachting experts in twenty conferences to discuss the future of the sector from all its aspects: industry, services, sports, leisure and also environment.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, Antoni Mercant, said that „one of our committments is to promote these kinds of events. We redesigned the concept of the Balearic Yacht Show as a part of the Palma International Boat Show to help companies to improve their visibility and positioning online».
The Palma International Boatshow offers several measures to guarantee all sanitary requirements to avoid contagion in every moment. For example, there will be controls at entrances and exits, capacity limits and constant reminders to keep a safe distance and to wear masks. The fact that the fair is held outdoors also contributes to making it safer.
The Palma International Boat Show is open for visitors from the 3rd to the 6th of June, from 10 am to 9 pm, in Palma’s Moll Vell. Tickets can only be purchased on the website www.boatshowpalma.com.
Journalists and media workers who want to cover the Boat Show in Palma must obtain accreditation by the link https://palmainternationalboatshow.com/acreditacion-prensa. Press accreditation will allow to enter the fair on all days.[:en]The Balearic Vice President and Minister for Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, Juan Pedro Yllanes, presented this morning the new edition of the Palma International Boat Show, the first on-site fair of the sector to be held after the pandemic. The event, which will take place from 3rd to 6th of June at the Moll Vell exhibition centre, is organised by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI) and the Balearic Yacht Brokers Association (BYBA). The presentation ceremony was attended by the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, Antoni Mercant, the president of the Port Authority, Francesc Antich, the president of the Balearic Marine Cluster, Toni Salom, the president of the Association of Marine Industries of the Balearic Islands, Jaume Vaquer, the managing director of IDI, Mariona Luis, and the director of the fair, Chema Sans.
The vice president underlined the importance of the Palma Boat Show being the first on-site event of the sector: «This Boat Show converts Majorca, and more specifically Palma, these days into the world epicentre of the yachting industry in the entire world. Yllanes added that «the fact of starting the season with the boat show proves that Majorca is a very important and well positioned hotspot for the yachting industry world wide. But it´s also a proof, that the yachting industry continues to be a strategic sector for the whole economy of the Balearic Islands». Nobody should forget, so Yllanes, that the yachting industry generates a turnover of more than 560 million euros a year and over 5,000 direct jobs in almost 2,000 companies
The Palma International Boat Show will have 227 direct exhibitors, spread over more than 80,000 square metres. In addition, there will be around 185 boats on exposition. The world’s leading yachting brands have chosen Palma to present their new products after months of pandemic, which consolidates the Palma Boat Show as the preferred destination for recreational boating and the professional nautical industry.
One of the big innovations this year is the collaboration with the Balearic Yacht Show, the virtual fair organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca and the Balearic Marine Cluster. This event was born during the corona lockdown last year with the aim of creating a number of synergies to promote the nautical sector of the islands globally. The Balearic Yacht Show will bring together more than fifty international yachting experts in twenty conferences to discuss the future of the sector from all its aspects: industry, services, sports, leisure and also environment.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, Antoni Mercant, said that „one of our committments is to promote these kinds of events. We redesigned the concept of the Balearic Yacht Show as a part of the Palma International Boat Show to help companies to improve their visibility and positioning online».
The Palma International Boatshow offers several measures to guarantee all sanitary requirements to avoid contagion in every moment. For example, there will be controls at entrances and exits, capacity limits and constant reminders to keep a safe distance and to wear masks. The fact that the fair is held outdoors also contributes to making it safer.
The Palma International Boat Show is open for visitors from the 3rd to the 6th of June, from 10 am to 9 pm, in Palma’s Moll Vell. Tickets can only be purchased on the website www.boatshowpalma.com.
Journalists and media workers who want to cover the Boat Show in Palma must obtain accreditation by the link https://palmainternationalboatshow.com/acreditacion-prensa. Press accreditation will allow to enter the fair on all days.