Palma iza las velas[:ca]Palma hissa les veles[:en]Palma sets sail[:de]Palma sets sail

Un año más, Palma iza las velas para acoger uno de los certámenes náuticos más importantes del Mediterráneo, Palma International Boat Show. Del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo, el Moll Vell de la ciudad se convierte en el centro neurálgico de la industria náutica internacional. Más de doscientas empresas acuden fieles a la cita que se caracteriza por su gran oferta de yates expuestos en el agua. El certamen de Palma inaugura la temporada náutica del Mediterráneo y es una cita obligada para todos los aficionados de la náutica procedentes de Europa y Estados Unidos, que aprovechan la visita a la feria para descubrir la ciudad.

Tras 35 ediciones, el Palma International Boat Show, organizado por el IDI, ha sabido evolucionar y adaptarse a las necesidades del sector. Desde hace ya seis años, el evento ferial ha incorporado el Palma Superyacht Show, una exposición de superyates organizada por BYBA (Balearic Yacht Brokers Association) que destaca por atraer veleros de gran eslora de todo el mundo. Además, recientemente han inaugurado un área dedicada al mantenimiento de embarcaciones, una industria ya consolidada en las Islas. El Palma International Boat Show es, sin duda, un evento que nadie se puede perder.[:ca]Un any més, Palma hissa les veles per acollir un dels certàmens nàutics més importants de la Mediterrània, Palma International Boat Show. Del 27 d’abril a l’1 de maig, el Moll Vell de la ciutat es converteix en el centre neuràlgic de la indústria nàutica internacional. Més de dues-centes empreses són fidels a la cita que es caracteritza per la gran oferta de iots exposats a l’aigua. El certamen de Palma inaugura la temporada nàutica de la Mediterrània i és una cita obligada per a tots els aficionats de la nàutica procedents d’Europa i Estats Units, que aprofiten la visita la fira per descobrir la ciutat.

Després de 35 edicions, el Palma International Boat Show, organitzat per l’IDI, ha sabut evolucionar i adaptar-se a les necessitats del sector. Des de fa ja sis anys, l’esdeveniment firal ha incorporat el Palma Superyacht Show, una exposició de iots de luxe organitzada per BYBA (Balearic Yacht Brokers Association) que destaca per atraure velers de gran eslora de tot el món. A més, recentment han inaugurat una àrea dedicada al manteniment d’embarcacions, una indústria ja consolidada a les Illes.  El Palma International Boat Show és, sens dubte, un esdeveniment que ningú es pot perdre.[:en]Once again, Palma sets sail to host one of the most important yachting events in the Mediterranean, Palma International Boat Show. This year, from April 27 to May 1, the city’s Moll Vell becomes the hub of the international marine industry. More than two hundred companies don’t ever miss the event, characterized by the wide range of yachts exhibited on the water. Palma’s show inaugurates the yachting season in the Mediterranean and is a must for all nautical enthusiasts from Europe and the United States, who take advantage of the visit to the fair to discover the city.

After 35 editions, the Palma International Boat Show, organized by the IDI, has evolved and proved able to adapt to the needs of the sector. For six years now, the fair event has incorporated the Palma Superyacht Show, an exhibition of super yachts organized by the BYBA (Balearic Yacht Brokers Association) that stands out for attracting these large yachts from around the world. In addition, they recently opened an area dedicated to the maintenance of vessels, an industry which is already consolidated in the Islands. The Palma International Boat Show is certainly an event not to be missed.[:de]Once again, Palma sets sail to host one of the most important yachting events in the Mediterranean, Palma International Boat Show. This year, from April 27 to May 1, the city’s Moll Vell becomes the hub of the international marine industry. More than two hundred companies don’t ever miss the event, characterized by the wide range of yachts exhibited on the water. Palma’s show inaugurates the yachting season in the Mediterranean and is a must for all nautical enthusiasts from Europe and the United States, who take advantage of the visit to the fair to discover the city.

After 35 editions, the Palma International Boat Show, organized by the IDI, has evolved and proved able to adapt to the needs of the sector. For six years now, the fair event has incorporated the Palma Superyacht Show, an exhibition of super yachts organized by the BYBA (Balearic Yacht Brokers Association) that stands out for attracting these large yachts from around the world. In addition, they recently opened an area dedicated to the maintenance of vessels, an industry which is already consolidated in the Islands. The Palma International Boat Show is certainly an event not to be missed.
